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Hoover Wm. G.
Hoover C.G, Posch H.A.
We consider an harmonic oscillator in a thermal gradient far from equilibrium. The motion is made ergodic and fully time-reversible through the use of two thermostat variables. The equations of motion contain both linear and quadratic terms. The dynamics is chaotic. The resulting phase-space distribution is not only complex and multifiactal, but also ergodic, due to the time-reversibility property. We analyze dynamical time series in two ways. We describe local, but comoving, singularities in terms of the "local Lyapunov spectrum" {λ}. Local singularities at a particular phase-space point can alternatively be described by the local eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the "dynamical matrix" D=Əv/Ər=∆v. D is the matrix of derivates of the equations of motion r=v(r). We pursue this eigenvalue-eigenvector description for the oscillator. We find that it breaks down at a dense set of singular points, where the four eigenvectors span only a three-dimensional subspace. We believe that the concepts of stable and unstable global manifolds are problematic for this simple nonequilibrium system.
Jul 29, 2014
May 22, 2014
Hoover Wm. G. Hoover C.G., Kum O., Castillo V.M.
Hoover Wm. G. Hoover C.G.
Hoover Wm. G. Hoover C. G.
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