
Applications Department

The main goal of the PSNC Applications Department is leading interdisciplinary research and development work that enables solving advanced scientific problems and supports practical applications with the use of innovative technologies for either users or experts.

Applications Department team concentrates its work on 3 main fields:
  • advanced applications and large-scale computing,
  • resources management within grids environment and distributed service systems,
  • tools and network applications for team work and new user’s interfaces.

Active team’s participation in many leading national and international research and deployment projects has enabled creation of numerous applications within the fields mentioned above. Our solutions help making use of new informative and communication technologies in different applications within the field of science, bioinformatics, complex patterns and systems modeling, advanced access control and data and multimedia security.

In addition to that, our team has been constantly initiating research projects, which are to verify new ideas and to realize innovative application tests using hardware acceleration (e.g. graphics card, embedded systems, programmable logic devices), energy management mechanisms, computer systems with virtualization mechanisms, signal processing or virtual reality.



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