High Performance Computers’ resources include specialized calculating systems with different architectures (multiprocessor SMPs and tightly coupled clusters) linked by fast local networks (InfiniBand, Gigabit Ethernet and Fast Ethernet). Supercomputing Department organizes trainings, about e.g. programming tools’ usage or programming standards, in order to extend users’ knowledge. Moreover, the supercomputing center is actively involved in users’ software optimization process and offers broadly understood assistance within the calculations in progress.
Computing domain together with storage system are characterized by the following parameters (at the date of 31.12.2008):
- computing power – 46,1 TFlops,
- RAM – 156 TB,
- disc space – 153 TB,
- memory storage – 672 TB.
Calculation resources and data storage services are used by many scientific units in Poland, however mainly by Poznań scientific circles. The resources are used in the first place in such branches as: chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer sciences and engineering constructions.
PSNC provides the resources to all users who are involved in projects, either Polish ones (e.g.
Clusterix) or co-financed by European Union (e.g.
BalticGrid). Supercomputing Department also supervises supporting infrastructure, like power supply, technical rooms’ air-conditioning and fire prevention systems.