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Apiecionek Łukasz
Romantowski Michał
Although network security is a common concern in almost every network, it appears that no general model for building safe networks has been proposed. The existing models lack a comprehensive approach to the challenges that need to be faced by a modern, publicly accessible IT system. Such approach requires basing on modern access techniques and security mechanisms combination. The authors of this article conducted an examination of the existing IP-related technologies and developed a general secure network model. In this article a general-purpose layered network model is proposed. The presentation is preceded with a summary of the mentioned research. Additionally, the article contains an evaluation summary of two different military systems that have been created basing on the proposed model. The test has been formally executed during CWIX (Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXploration, eXperimentation, eXamination, eXercise) organized by NATO.
Feb 27, 2014
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