Objects in dLibra system have various properties. Examples of properties are: object's name, object's metadata, administrative information corresponding to object. Additionally, every property may be multilingual or not, required or optional. Appendix I, Objects' properties in dLibra system contains information about objects' properties in dLibra system.
If a property is independent from language then it is specified only once (in one language). If a property is multilingual then is may be specified in any number of languages (used languages are defined by the library administrator). An example of language independent property is directory name. Directories are created by the editor in order to organize documents in hierarchical manner. Directories organization is internal, which means that only editors may see it - WWW reades do not have access to directories. As the directory is an internal object it is not necessary to provide its name in many languages. An example of language dependent property (multilingual property) is collection name. Collection name is presented on WWW pages therefore it is required to have it in many languages (because of different nationality of users which visit WWW pages).
Some objects in the dLibra library can be described by set of attributes called schema. The main scheme in dLibra system is Dublin Core 1.1 but there is a possibility to modify it. The values of object attributes are considered while searching the library and are the key element to identify certain resource. Schema is in practice object's metadata. In case of default schema (Dublin Core 1.1) the description consist of information about author, title, publishing date, publisher, etc.
In the dLibra system the following elements may have metadata::
planned publication,
group publication,