Objects' properties avaliable in dLibra system has been described in the table below. One row contains the following pieces of information: Element column contains the name of an object, Property column contains the name of a property of an object, Multilingual column information whether the property is multilingual (yes) or not (no), Required column contains information which indicates wheter the property is required (yes) or not (no), Description column contains short description of the property.
Table I.1. Objects' properties
Element | Property | Multilingual | Required | Description |
Directory | Name | No | Yes | Directory's name. Directories are only seen by editors in editor/administrator application. |
Directory | Notes | No | No | Administrative notes, ie. information about elements in the directory. This information can only be viewed by editors. |
Directory | Attributes values | Yes | No | Directory's bibliographic description is the default description for elements (such as publication) which will be created in this directory. When creating a new element in a directory user may provide bibliographic description of this new element. By default this description is filled with values from the directory. User may also modify this default description. |
Directory | Identifier | - | - | Identifier cannot be modified as it is automatically assigned by the system. This is unique identifier of a directory. |
Group publication | Name | No | Yes | Group publication's name in dLibra system. |
Group publication | Notes | No | No | Administrative notes. This information can only be viewed by editors. |
Group publication | Identifier | - | - | Identifier cannot be modified as it is automatically assigned by the system. This is unique identifier of a publication. |
Group publication | Description | Yes | No | Short description of a group publication. This description is presented on web pages. It should contain short description of publications which are in the group publication. |
Group publication | Comment | Yes | No | Comment to group publication. It may be expanded. It should contain additional information about the group publication. |
Group publication | Miniature | No | No | Piktogram przedstawiający publikację grupową. |
Group publication | Attributes values | Yes | No | Bibliographic description of a group publication is inherited by elements which are in this group publication. If bibliographic description of an element does not have values for specific attribute and group publication has such values then bibliographic description of the element will be filled up with the value from group publication. For every element such bibliographic description is automatically created when it is presented on WWW pages. Internally, in editor/administrator application bibliographic description of an element is separated from group publication's description. |
Planned publication | Name | No | Yes | Planned publication's name in dLibra system. |
Planned publication | Notes | No | No | Administrative notes. This information can only be viewed by editors. |
Planned publication | Link | - | - | This value is automatically generated by the system. It is a permanent link to a publication in a digital library. It is composed of a “/publication/” part and publication's identifier, ie. for publication which have identifier “10” the link would be: “/publication/10”. In order to view information about the publication on WWW page the user have to run a browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) and specify address composed of digital library address appended by the “Link”, ie. for a digital library which address is www.wbc.poznan.pl we would have: www.wbc.poznan.pl/publication/10. |
Planned publication | Identifier | - | - | Identifier cannot be modified as it is automatically assigned by the system. This is unique identifier of a publication. |
Planned publication | Attributes values | Yes | No | Bibliographic description of a planned publication is automatically assigned to first edition which is created while adding content to this planned publication. |
Planned publication | Secured | No | Yes | This value is represented as check box. Editor may initially secure planned publication (see opis publikacji for more details) - mark, that the content of this publication should be secured. |
Publication | Name | No | Yes | Publication's name in dLibra system. |
Publication | Notes | No | No | Administrative notes. This information can only be viewed by editors. |
Publication | Link | - | - | This value is automatically generated by the system. It is a permanent link to a publication in a digital library. It is composed of a “/publication/” part and publication's identifier, ie. for publication which have identifier “10” the link would be: “/publication/10”. In order to view information about the publication on WWW page the user have to run a browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) and specify address composed of digital library address appended by the “Link”, ie. for a digital library which address is www.wbc.poznan.pl we would have: www.wbc.poznan.pl/publication/10. |
Publication | Secured | No | Yes | This value is represented as a check box. If this check box is selected then the content of editions will be secured from copying and printing on WWW pages. This property may be checked only for HTML publications. |
Publication without content | - | - | - | Publication without content has the same properties as normal publication. One difference is that the user cannot modify these properties (can only view them). |
Edition | Name | No | Yes | Edition's name in dLibra system. |
Edition | Notes | No | No | Administrative notes. This information can only be viewed by editors. |
Edition | Published | No | Yes | This value is represented as a check box. If this check box is selected then users which have “view” right to the publication may view this edition. Edition may also be published until some date in the future - after this date the edition is automatically set to be not published. |
Edition | Modification | - | - | Editor cannot modify this value - it is automatically updated by the system. The value is an identifier (login) of a user which has lately modified this edition. |
Edition | Files' size | - | - | Editor cannot modify this value - it is automatically updated by the system. The value is total size of files which belong to this edition. |
Edition | Attributes values | Yes | No | Bibliographic description of an edition. This description should correspond to the content of edition. Generally, every ediiton should have bibliographic description. |
Edition | Description | Yes | No | Short description of an edtion. This description is presented on WWW pages. It should contain description of edition's content (short characteristic of the resource). |
Edition | Comment | Yes | No | Comment to edition. It may be expanded. It should contain additional information about the resource, ie. information about damage on pages that were scanned. |
Edition | Miniature | No | No | Icon which represents edition. It may be for example scan of first page of a book. |
File | File name | - | - | File name cannot be modified. It is the name of a file which is a part of publication. |
File | File type | - | - | File type cannot be modified. It is file type of a file which is a part of publication. |
File version | File name | - | - | File name cannot be modified. It is the name of a file that this version refers to. |
File version | File size | - | - | File size cannot be modified. It is the size of file version. |
File version | Modified | - | - | This value cannot be modifies. It is last modification date of this file version. |
File version | Type | - | - | Type cannot be modified. It is the type of file version. |
File version | Description | No | No | Description of file version. It is an internal information for editors. |
Collection | Name | Yes | Yes | Collection name in dLibra system. This name is presented on WWW pages. |
Collection | Description | Yes | No | Collection's description. Description is presented on WWW pages. |
Collection | OAI-PMH identifier | No | Yes | Identifier used in distributed resources search mechanizm. This identifier should be unique on one level of collections. |
Collection | Notes | No | No | Administrative notes. This information can only be viewed by editors. |
Collection | Identifier | - | - | Identifier cannot be modified as it is automatically assigned by the system. This is unique identifier of a collection. |
User | Name | No | No | Data about the user (first name and surname). |
User | No | Yes | User's e-mail address. It must me unique (every user have to have different address). | |
User | Institution | No | No | Data about user (ie. institution where the user is employed). |
User | Identifier | No | Yes | This value is provided once when creating user. When user is created it is not modifiable. This is unique identifier (login) of a user. User uses this identifier to log in to the system. |
User | Password, confirm password | No | No | User's password. These two properties allow to change user's password. |
User | User type | No | Yes | Value represented as a list. Types of user are described in ???. |
User | Expiration date | No | No | After this date user account expires - user cannot log in to the system. |
User | Blocked | No | Yes | Value represented as a check box. Account can be blocked by an administrator (when check box is selected). Blocked user cannot log in to the system. |
User | Access domains | No | No | Access domains foe the user. It is possible to specify computer addresses that have access to the system without password or addresses that are blocked. |
User | Groups | - | - | List of gruops that a user belongs to. |
User | Administrative rights | - | - | Rights which may be assigned to a user. See ??? for more details. |
Group | Name | No | Yes | Name of a group in dLibra system. |
Group | Description | No | No | Description of a group. |
Group | Members | - | - | List of users which are members of this group. |
Group | Administrative rights | - | - | Rights which may be assigned to group. See ??? for more details. |
Attribute | Name | Yes | Yes | Name of an attribute in dLibra system. This name is presented on WWW pages. |
Attribute | Description | Yes | Yes | Description of an attribute in dLibra system. Description is presented on WWW pages. |
Attribute | RDF name | No | Yes | Unique identifier of an attribute in dLibra system. It is used for example in specification of conversion rules for metadata import. |
Attribute | Role | No | No | Role of an attribtue in Dublin Core schema. |
Attribute | Identifier | No | Yes | Identifier cannot be modified as it is automatically assigned by the system. This is unique identifier of an attribute. |