Object structure Metadata Files list Creator: Cheptsov Alexey Contributor: Keller Rainer, Pugliese Roberto, Prica Milan, Del Linz Andrea, Plociennik Marcin, Lawenda Marcin, Meyer Norbert Tags: remote instrumentation, e-Infrastructure, middleware, Grid Abstract: While the majority of e-Infrastructures that are set up within the European Research Area by such projects as EGEE, DEISA etc. are basically focused on providing the high-performance computing support for scientific applications, a diverse set of the scientific communities coming from various fields (e.g. earthquake, environmental science, experimental science communities) develop and operate experimental equipment and remote instrumentation that have not been integrated yet or only partially integrated within the European Grid e-Infrastructure. The Deployment of Remote Instrumentation Infrastructure (DORII) project aims at setting up an advanced Grid-based e-Infrastructure specifically oriented to the support of remote instrumentation devices on Grid extending the level of scientific instruments' exploitation. The paper highlights the main application areas and usage scenarios, key tasks of the Remote Instrumentation Infrastructure’s deployment and presents the joint research architecture for DORII in terms of advanced middleware solutions addressing the main tasks of identified applications. Place of publishing: Poznań Publisher: OWN Date submitted: 2008.12.18 Date issued: 2009.03.25 Resource Type: artykuł Format: application/pdf Language: eng