@misc{Long_Van_Cao, author={Long Van Cao}, address={Poznań}, howpublished={online}, publisher={OWN}, language={eng}, abstract={In this paper, using a general propagation equation of ultrashort pulses in an arbitrary dispersive nonlinear medium derived in [8] we study in the specific case of Kerr media. An obtained ultrashort pulse propagation equation which is called Generalized Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation usually has a very complicated form and looking for its solutions is usually a “mission impossible”. Theoretical methods to solve this equation are effective only for some special cases. As an example we describe the method of a developed elliptic Jacobi function expansion. Several numerical methods of finding approximate solutions are simultaneously used. We focus mainly on the following methods: Split-Step, Runge-Kutta and Imaginary-time algorithms. Some numerical experiments are implemented for soliton propagation and interacting high order solitons. We consider also an interesting phenomenon: the collapse of solitons.}, type={artykuł}, }