@misc{Potera_Piotr, author={Potera Piotr}, address={Poznań}, howpublished={online}, publisher={OWN}, language={eng}, abstract={The present work is devoted to the calculation of the radiation displacement defects (RDD) concentration in complex oxide crystals (Y3A15O12, Gd3Ga5O12, YA1O3, LiNbO3) as a function of particle energy (electrons and neutrons). Energy dependencies of RDD concentration are discussed. The results of calculations show that the concentrations of RDD reduced to one impinging particle increased initially with the particles energy and they saturates for the electron and neutron energy above 25 MeV. The comparison of the concentrations of RDD calculated for different sub-lattices as well as for the cases of electrons and neutrons is made. The obtained results are compared with the experimental data.}, type={artykuł}, }