@misc{Józefowska_Joanna_A, author={Józefowska Joanna}, address={Poznań}, howpublished={online}, publisher={OWN}, language={eng}, abstract={In this paper a Simulated Annealing algorithm is proposed and applied to the n-job andm-machme discrete-continuous scheduling problem with the objective to minimize the makespan.This problem can be divided into two interrelated subproblems (i) constructing a feasible sequenceof jobs on machines and (ii) allocating the continuos resource among jobs already sequenced.The application of the Simulated Annealing algorithm operating on a space of feasible sequences ispresented. By computational experiment on randomly generated test problems, the proposedalgorithm is compared with two other heuristics, namely Multi-start Iterative Improvementalgorithm and Random Sampling Technique.}, title={A SIMULATED ANNEALING ALGORITHMFOR SOME CLASS OF DISCRETE-CONTINUOUSSCHEDULING PROBLEMS}, type={artykuł}, }